Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Random Thoughts from 2009 - Day 1

I was reading Jennifer Lancaster's blog, Jennsylvania the other day and she had random thoughts about Christmas. I thought - great idea, just throw out there all the crazy things I am thinking about so the world can know how truly neurotic I am. Sounds wonderful!

Wii is one of our obsessions. Tom loves Guitar Hero and has been known to invite people over for hours while I pass out on the couch or say the heck with it, and just go to bed with guests still there. He even has Guitar Hero underwear to show his passion for it! I received Wii Fit for Christmas. This game rocks - there is Pilates, yoga, step aerobics and boxing. 10 minutes of non-stop hula hooping makes me huffy puffy yet Tom always manages to call when I am doing this. It is like an internal alarm in him and if I do not answer the cell phone, he moves onto the Blackberry, then the home phone and there is no pause button in the middle of hooping. I just got Wii Sports Resort for Christmas 2010 and at 11:30 p.m. Tom and I were beating each other over the head with Sword Play and looking like we were churning butter in the living room as we tried to canoe through the race course. Seriously, we are a sight when we play Wii!

Bar Trivia is fun. We started playing this fall at the Brown Jug after softball and it has continued. When it is time to phone a friend, we call Google on the IPhone as our friends are not smarter. We have won or placed more times than not, but we suck for a team name. We are just "Team 8." Nothing more, nothing less. We are unimaginative! The last 2 weeks we won on the final questions - we go big or go home!

Odd games are fun. At the JCI January Board Meeting we played a dice game called Maya. Sugar packets kept track of points and the ante was $1 each. We were big spenders! No game would be complete without being threatened by the bartender that he was going to call the police because gambling is outlawed in Missouri. Seriously? The pot never topped $18! Also, there is apparently a law also that they can not sell alcohol at 12 p.m. and it is illegal to sit in the lobby doing nothing after that point as well. Can't wait to go there in a couple of weeks again! Wonder if the cops will actually come this year :)!

Well I just realized I have lots of random thoughts so I think in the spirit of Christmas, I think I will do the 12 Days of Random Thoughts. We will see what turns up!

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