Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Dear Summer

Dear Summer -

Hello, are you here to stay this time? It is May 20th for fu*k sake and I am very disappointed in your visitations so far this year. You have made me wear a winter parka to 2 regular baseball games this season. You have seriously cut into my cute skirt and comfortable capri wearing season. You have really made me mad and I think you owe me an apology.

I love you summer for many reasons including:

1) Flip - flops - these are the best show invention ever! I am a huge fan of the Havianas, I have at least a 1/2 dozen pairs. They go with everything. However, when they break in Babies R Us, they are trouble. You look like you are a cripple instead of a pregnant lady trying to register for a crib!

2) Baseball Games - the best summer entertainment ever! Unless you have to wear a winter parka (see above) or the Yankees blow 2 saves in 1 week!

3) Hanging out at the pool - except when you rush all pasty white from the airplane in Florida to the pool and proceed to get lobster red within an hour and emit heat like a volcano for the next 3 days!

4) BBQs - it's all fun and games until the fireworks come out with the beer and certain friends burn their eye brows off.

I appreciate that you have come to visit today, but I think you should make this an extended visit. Don't make me turn to Fall as my favorite!

A Disgruntled Fan

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